Create a Personal Mastermind
These days Business Masterminds are the big thing. But what about a Personal Mastermind?
Getting together with a friend regularly for the ‘soul’ purpose of goal setting, brainstorming and supporting each other through life’s ups and downs is one of the most positive ways to take action and move forward in life.
This can take place in person over a coffee, or even online using Skype or Google Hangouts.
In 2008 I formed a Power Posse with my friends Suzie and Anna. They didn’t yet know each other but we’d all attended a series of life coaching workshops and wanted a way of keeping on top of the changes we’d begun to make. We were looking for accountability – and boy did we find it.
We had no idea then that we were onto something so life changing.
We’ve met up once a month since 2008 and our lives are so much better because of it.
We take it in turns to talk about whatever life’s currently throwing at us and we coach each other into solutions. No matter how busy we are, we carve out time for these monthly mastermind sessions because we know the small time investment gives a huge payoff.
We leave each session feeling fired up and focused. It’s amazing to feel so in control of our lives – instead of life controlling us!
Now that we live in different countries, our monthly pow-wows happen over Skype or Google Hangouts.
I’ll admit in the early days we bumbled along, not quite sure what we were doing, but over time, our sessions developed like a fine wine. (Often over a bottle of wine.)
Now when we get together we nail it quickly and easily. The progress we’ve each made is mindblowing! We’re more self-aware and solutions focused. Each year just gets better and better.
I’m excited to say that our winning formula has been turned into a fabulous Power Pal Pack so you can form your own Power Pair or Posse and get straight into creating your own Personal Mastermind sessions!
You don’t have to be a certified Life Coach to coach a friend. This workbook contains everything you need to create sessions that rock! It has fantastic printable worksheets and easy to follow, step by step instructions.
Download your Project Me Power Pal Pack here!
In the comments below I’d love to hear what you think. Are you into group coffee mornings and gatherings, or more into one on one meet ups? Do you feel you have a supportive network of friends? Or one special friend you can share everything with?
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I don’t gather for coffee, but a friend and I meet twice a week in each other’s basements to do yoga. We talk the whole time and it is a therapeutic time both physically and emotionally.
That sounds like an awesome twice weekly meet up with your friend Seana! Double the benefits 🙂 Thanks for sharing that!
I do coffee get togethers with a small group of friends but none of them have been negative in tone. There’s no competitiveness over lack of sleep but there is support for our sleep deprived friends (it’s all in the delivery and receipt I suppose of the same topic)!
I also do get togethers with one or two others specifically to brainstorm or talk business development.
I’m thrilled to hear you have a great support group of positive friends – as well as a kind of ‘mastermind’ group for biz development. You’ve got it sussed Lisa!! Yay!!!
i completely relate to this. so many times, well meaning conversations “go negative”. and like anything else, it’s just a habit. one that can be changed. love this post. thanks kelly!
Yes Nancy – it’s just a question of recognising it and switching channels 🙂 Thanks for your comment!
Kelly, you are so right. 🙂
I absolutely agree that solution focused communication is so much more inspiring + helpful than complaining or gossiping.
Thankfully, I am part of a rad community of women who are consciously aware of how we think + speak + act…they are true soul sisters who help me stay aligned with my positivity + possibility.
So happy to know that you are sharing this beautiful wisdom!
Love + Peace,
Denise 😉
Denise that sounds AMAZING!!! You and your posse ROCK!!
Thanks so much for that inspiring comment xxx
I just ordered it! Can’t wait to dive in! 🙂
Although my friends are amazing I would love to make our get togethers even more meaningful and fun. Thank you so much!
Fabulous Adrienn! I really hope you’ll join the FB group and share how it’s going for you and your Power Posse. Thanks for buying – your PayPal receipt just popped into my inbox now 🙂
I love the idea for your Power Pal Pack. It’s way too easy to spend time with friends complaining. I prefer 1:1 or very small groups for support. I’ve found that when I meet up with friends who’re also business owners we’re far more likely to talk positively about solutions and goals. Whereas when I’m with a mixed group of friends celebrity gossip or complaints about family are more common topics!
Thanks Sally! I also prefer one on one or small group gatherings. I get so much more out of these kind of meetups than big group coffee mornings or lunches.
When I want a crowd I head to nightclub where I can dance my socks off and do NO talking 🙂
I love this idea! I don’t have many local friends (yet) to do this with, but it’s definitely something I should put on my priority list.
For sure April! I can’t tell you how much my life has improved since I formed my Power Posse. In an upcoming newsletter I’m giving some great resources for how to connect with other women in your area. If you’re not on the mailing list yet – please sign up in the box at the bottom of this page 🙂
This is a GREAT idea Kelly.
I love one-on-one coffee catch ups.
Solution-focused conversations are so important these days. Especially in a media-saturated society that seems to gravitate towards the negative events.
So true Kristy! Thanks for your great comment 🙂
Great article! My friend and I started our businesses together about the same time and we noticed that each of us desperately needed to have accountability so we started to have bi-weekly one hour meetings and check in with each other constantly. Some days we’d talk via text/phone all day because we were stuck. Even the tiniest of wins (like writing ONE email for the day) was and is celebrated. We too have been part of many personal growth seminars and wealth workshops so we had a lot of tools to get is going. This is awesome that you are providing tools for those that do not have access to them otherwise!
Alyse, you and your power pal have a great thing going on and it’s a dream of mine to get more women to realise the power of accountability and regular check-ins with a buddy.
Yes, having the tools to get going is what a lot of people lack. You might say you’ll meet up once a month, but without any structure it can sometimes be hard to keep it going. That’s why I’m so passionate about getting this Power Pal Pack into everyone’s hands!
Thanks for your fabulous comment 🙂
Simply changing the energy from low vibe complaining to high vibe gratitude-expression sessions helps friends improve each other’s lives. Thanks Kelly!
Love your HIGH VIBE comment Ryan! Thank you 🙂
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[…] Write down your goal including why you want it. Create a positive visualisation of reaching your goal. Picture yourself laughing with a fun group of friends or sitting down with a special one over a coffee or glass of wine. Maybe you’re looking for someone to team up with to create a Project Me Power Pal mastermind group? […]
[…] they wouldn’t open up to each other. That day kicked off what was to become my incredible Power Posse that’s still going strong – seven years […]
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[…] identified Personal Growth as one of my 8 Key Life Areas that needs regular attention. I created a Personal Mastermind and began meeting with my Power Posse once a month, rating this area of my life on a score of […]
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[…] been meeting up with my ‘Power Posse’ for seven years now and we all credit our sanity to these monthly meet-ups! Problems never have […]
[…] Team up with a friend for accountability. But if this isn’t possible yet, don’t let that be an excuse for not getting […]
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