B-School Bonus

2024 Marie Forleo B-School Bonus Bundle

NOTE: Marie Forleo is running a very special SUMMER B-School 2024!

Enrollment opens July 16 and closes July 26.  The live round of B-School begins July 29th. This is an online programme and whilst there are some opportunities to join Marie’s Office Hours Calls, there are no set times you need to log in or show up anywhere. It’s a self-paced video programme and you have lifetime access!

Get onto the B-School Interested List here and I will keep you in the loop and also let you know when Marie Forleo is running her free business trainings.

Marie Forleo’s B‑School is the online program I did in 2013 that helped me take the seed of an idea and turn it into a business that has changed a lot of lives for the better – including my own!

B-School helps you to define your vision, clarify your goals, and craft a unique and compelling brand using proven (authentic, non-sleazy) marketing strategies for reaching your dream clients and customers who want what you have to offer.

I wrote about my experience with doing B-School here.

I’m again excited and honoured to be chosen by Marie and her team to be an official partner of B-School 2023. This means I receive a commission if you join B-School via Project Me. That commission can go towards creating my own bonus bundle for you! (At no extra cost to you + you get all of Marie’s bonuses too.)

Last year Marie recorded brand new videos and upgraded the entire B-School programme. Because  all B-Schoolers get lifetime access, I was able to do the whole new programme at no extra cost. I used it to pivot in my business and launch my other new website which has been a great success!

Marie Forleo and Kelly Pietrangeli

Here is everything you’ll get when you sign up to B-School via Project Me – drum roll please…

The Project Me 2024 B-School Bonus Bundle!

A Private 1:1 Conscious Business Mentoring Session

In this 90 minute call I will listen with my whole heart to your biggest challenges right now, then share my best tools and strategies for creating more ease & flow. Nothing needs to feel like an upstream paddle. 

Ahead of our time together, you’ll answer a few questions so I know how open you are to using tools like tarot cards and soul plan charts. If that’s not your thing, we can definitely keep it more practical.  If you’re curious and open to it – we’ll explore the depths of your soul!

Either way, you’ll leave this call feeling more energetically aligned to your true purpose. 

 A Place In The Next Round of my High Vibe Journey Programme

Learn what it actually means to raise your vibes and live in a higher frequency. This 4-week online programme with live support has been called life-changing and transformational by women since it began in early 2020. You’ll learn how to stop paddling upstream and live with flow as you balance the doing with the being. You’ll also learn how to tune into your intuition and make decisions that come from you heart, not your head. It runs twice a year and you will be warmly welcomed into the next round of the High Vibe Journey.

★ A Six Month Membership to Soul Explorers

This is my membership for women who’ve been through my High Vibe Journey programme and want to continue the journey with me and others who are living our lives in a downstream, non-hustle way.  Join in live workshops, recorded lessons, and an incredible community of women who will support you with your intentions. Many of whom have done B-School!

I hope you’ll agree that in addition to all of the amazingness contained in Marie Forleo’s online course, my B-School Bonus Bundle will further support you in deep and meaningful ways.

This is not ‘another thing to do’. It’s not another course on top of B-School. I’m here to offer you soulful as well as practical support as you step fully into your dream business and purpose. 

Marie has also produced this FAQ page to quickly answer top questions about B-School including  timing, who it’s for and who it’s not for. 

The fine print:

To receive my Bonus Bundle you must use this special affiliate link to sign up to B-School.  

Please be aware that as an affiliate I must abide to strict guidelines and cannot provide bonuses if you do not use my link. The last link you clicked before purchasing B-School will be tracked and you’ll want that to be my special link

I’m advised to provide bonuses after the 30 day money-back-guarantee period has passed and affiliate monies have been paid in full by Team Forleo.  If you do decide to cancel B-School, you’ll be forfeiting my bonuses above.

Once you have enrolled using this link, email me hello@myprojectme.com and let me know you’ve signed up. This is very important so you receive your bonus bundle. And I can’t wait to meet you!  

Is your heart skipping a few beats the way mine did when I first heard about B-School?

♥ Remember, Marie Forleo gives you  lifetime access to B-School, so once you sign up, it’s yours to dip in and out of indefinitely and never pay a penny more! She updates the course and keeps adding more incredible content – making it amazing value for your investment. If you have any specific questions about my experience with B-School or my Bonus Package, drop me a line at hello@myprojectme.com. I’ll answer you with complete honesty. I only want you to join if it’s right for you.

Get onto the B-School Interested List here and I will keep you in the loop and also let you know when Marie Forleo is running her free business trainings

Positively yours,

PS – Scroll down to the comments to read reviews from a few of the fabulous people who’ve previously joined B-School via Project Me.

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  1. Elizabeth on January 29, 2019 at 12:21 AM

    I wasn’t sure what to expect with B-School and I was concerned that the information wouldn’t be anything new as I’ve already studied business and run my own company. I’m very glad I did it because now I have clarity and focus. I know what I need to do and exactly how to do it!
    To anyone considering it, I would absolutely 100% recommend joining B-School via Kelly. She was the missing link, the personal connection. And by creating a group within a larger group, we instantly had our own cheerleading support group.

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on January 29, 2019 at 9:50 AM

      Elizabeth, it’s been an absolute pleasure to get to know you via our B-School / Project Me group and to get to meet you in person when you came to London from Australia! Thank you for your glowing testimonial. 🙂 xx

  2. Angele Close on January 29, 2019 at 11:21 AM

    Having you in my corner through the B-School journey helped me feel less overwhelmed, less intimidated and way more courageous than had I done it without you.

    I would most definitely recommend for anyone considering B-School to connect with Kelly. It was tremendously helpful to be guided through the journey from a wise and experienced mentor with a wealth of knowledge and know-how, not to mention a contagious smile and authentic caring energy that made me feel coached and cheered on all the way.

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on January 29, 2019 at 11:39 AM

      Thank you dear Angele! I continue to be so excited about the beautiful business you have created and to watch it grow and flourish. ?

  3. Trina Pecina on January 29, 2019 at 11:41 AM

    My only hesitations about joining B-School were the time and monetary commitments. I knew I was not necessarily in the right place for starting a business, however I was reassured by the lifetime access. I could go at my own pace & utilize the information as needed. I never had any doubts about joining through Project Me. I had received other link requests BUT I am a HUGE fan of Project Me.

    As a result of B-School, I have a clearer understanding of what I want for myself and my WHY. This has enabled me to develop a plan for accomplishing the work and professional goals that were just random thoughts and ideas floating around in my head.

    Kelly added a very personal touch to the entire experience. We never felt alone in the program because we had access to a “real” individual and other like-minded people.

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on January 29, 2019 at 12:08 PM

      Thanks so much for this heart-warming testimonial Trina. I love watching you SHINE and grow and I eagerly anticipate the unfolding of your dream visions! Watch this space! ? xx

  4. Dr. Katja Brunkhorst on January 30, 2019 at 11:50 AM

    Kelly turned out to be the ideal complement to B-School. The biggest reason I joined via her – literally 2 minztes before that midnight deadline – was her attention in our smaller FB group and the group call, because that’s the one component missing from B-School itself: individual exchange and attention.

    I love Kelly’s personality, ‘woo-woo’ and calm. To have her in one’s corner simply adds a real sense of “I got this!” My business is growing rapidly at the moment, I’ve added a second one, too; and it all started last year when I joined marvellous Marie and kinetic Kelly (find me in B-School under #kellysgals)! Or feel free to hit me up under http://www.bright-idea.de if you ever need any bespoke branding, kick-ass copy or your own, wonderful wordpress website! As a yoga teacher and copywriter, I can be super sensitive and shy away from being “salesy”, so I can recommend Kelly whole-heartedly as an organized, upbeat yet calming influence for anyone who’s as supercharged a creative as myself. Go for it!

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on January 30, 2019 at 4:36 PM

      Katja, you have been a fireball of energy in our group and it’s such a pleasure to meet you and follow along on your business journey! You’re a true multi-passionate and inspiration. Thank you for taking the time to write such a glowing testimonial. ? xx

  5. Holli Rubin on January 30, 2019 at 3:56 PM

    As you know Kelly, I joined Bschool at the very last minute because I was travelling with limited WIFI access and because I was very apprehensive. I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to deliver and implement all that I knew I would be learning.

    Thank you for reassuring us all that we were making strides and encouraging us to keep moving ahead. Through your positive attitude and support, I soon began to believe that it really was about progress and not perfection – a difficult resistance that I shared with many in the group.

    I enjoyed being in your much smaller subgroup as it felt more personal which I prefer since I’m not very active online. You’re very positive, upbeat and clearly enjoyed and benefited from B-School yourself, which was highly motivating. Thank you so much!

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on January 30, 2019 at 4:41 PM

      I’m so happy you took the plunge and went for it Holli! It’s been fantastic getting to know you and your business and admire your dedication to keeping a work-family balance while your kids are still young. You have plenty of time! I look forward to holding your book in my hands one day. 🙂 Thank you for your wonderful words. xx

  6. Christina Bosmans on February 28, 2019 at 1:31 PM

    I’m writing this comment a day before registration for B-School 2019 closes. I also only signed up on the last day as I wasn’t entirely sure if it really was for me. It definitely was!!! What I loved the most about signing up via Kelly was the intimacy in her smaller B-school circle. Hanging out in the B-School group on facebook wasn’t for me, I just felt I was wasting time in there and would get side tracked so easily.
    I look forward to do B-School again this year as many things have changed for me since I did it last year and both Marie and Kelly are “to blame”, they are an absolute inspiration.
    Kelly’s bonus bundle is a massive addition to the already very full treasure chest of B-school itself. So don’t hesitate, sign up via Kelly and get even more out of B-School 🙂

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on March 3, 2019 at 2:04 PM

      I’m so moved by your comment Christina – thank you for blaming Marie and I for all of the changes that have come about for you! 🙂 See you in B-School again this year. I too am approaching it this year with a fresh business angle and I eagerly anticipate the unfolding of what’s to come. xx

  7. Simone Bowles on February 5, 2020 at 5:09 AM

    Joining B-School through you Kelly was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!! Your bonuses were extremely generous back in 2018 when I joined and you’ve added even more with the one year Project We membership! My one on one coaching call with you was so valuable as you helped me get clear on my business idea. The smaller b-school support group was also incredibly helpful, and continues to be as it’s a great group of people all helping each other out, with prompts and guidance from you. And the productivity training and your book have been total game changers for me. As you know, I’ve gone on to become a member of Project We community which has given me the tools and support to develop myself and my business. I can’t thank you or sing praises enough Kelly!

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on February 13, 2020 at 11:03 AM

      Simone, it has been pure joy to see what has happened in your life over the past two years since you joined B-School and then Project WE. I have a dream vision of you on Marie Forleo’s sofa one day, sharing your story with the world. ? Thank you for your lovely comment. I love continuing to be beside you on your exciting journey! xx

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