Project Me Madrid Book Event
It was wonderful to be back in Madrid to do a book signing and workshop for the English speaking mamas living there. My family and I happily lived in Madrid from 2010 – 2016 and it was there that the idea for a Project Me book was born! This website was launched in 2013, followed by my book publishing deal with Orion Spring. I began writing Project Me for Busy Mothers: A Practical Guide to Finding a Happier Balance in Madrid – but had to finish it in London when we moved for my husband’s job.
I was thrilled when Jill Stribling, founder of the school English for Fun, offered to host a book launch event for me in Madrid. She didn’t have to ask twice!
Jill and I met through Christina Bosmans, founder of Kids in Ibiza. They both did my Goal Setting for Mothers online course and I got to know their big vision goals and help them create their small steps action plans. Jill had big dreams of expanding her business and I got to see for myself how her visions have become reality. The school she’s created is innovative, creative and designed to bring out the best in her lucky little students.
My lovely friend and assistant Leonor was there to greet all of the mamas who’d booked tickets for the Project Me Madrid book event.
I’d forgotten about the spontaneousness of people in Spain. Unlike London where everyone plans their schedules waaaay too far in advance, in Spain it all falls into place very last minute. And this was certainly the case for the Project Me Madrid book event! At five minutes past the start time there was a surge of unplanned arrivals! Jill and the lovely Tania scrambled to find boxes and (kiddie-sized) chairs and it was still standing-room only at the back.
Jill introduced me and shared her success story of how Project Me has helped her achieve her goals.
I split my talk into two areas of the Project Me Life Wheel®, starting first with Productivity & Time Management and then moving into Personal Growth and exploring how to raise our vibes and get into flow by paying closer attention to our emotions.
It’s a good thing I learned about the “resting bitch face” from Reshma at Speaker Express. It used to throw me off to speak to an audience who weren’t smiling or nodding. Now I understand that when people are digesting information – especially in a foreign language – they have mixed expressions. (Including the “resting bitch face”!) The ones I thought were possibly hating or not understanding it were the ones who came up to me afterwards and said they absolutely loved it! ????
It wouldn’t have been a Project Me workshop without putting pens to paper with the Challenge Solver Action Sheet as well as teaming up with other women to connect and share. I’ve since learned that some of the women who met that day have already met up again and are cooking up some exciting plans! Yessss!!! Project Me Power Posse’s rock!
Afterwards I signed books and got to meet so many amazing mamas. And two very new kids on the block – including a teeny-tiny two week old baby!
It was a great success and I wish I’d had more books shipped over by my publisher as they all went very quickly.
A huge and heartfelt GRACIAS to Jill and her wonderful team at English for Fun, as well as all of the women who came with their fantastic energy. I’m expecting to read some fresh Project Me Success Stories here soon!
You can catch the first half of the workshop in this Facebook Live replay on the English for Fun Facebook page. Thank you Veronica and Patricia for capturing the event with these wonderful photos. xx
If you’d like to host a book signing or hire me to speak at your event or retreat – contact me here. Warm and sunny climates like Madrid are especially of interest! ????
Project Me for Busy Mothers: A Practical Guide to Finding a Happier Balance is available in paperback, Kindle – and now audio too. Read by yours truly.
Positively yours,

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I would love to attend one of your workshops Kelly! This all looks so fun and thought provoking. Please come to Sydney Australia ????????! I’ve got your book through The Book Depository and I’m loving it. I may get the audio version too as I’d love to hear you narrating it.
I’m living in London right now, but I adore Sydney and would love an excuse to head back! It would have to be a sell-out auditorium to off-set the cost of my flight though – LOL. 😉
I’m so happy you’re enjoying my book and I have to say, I wasn’t sure how an audio version of my book would work… but I’ve been listening to it myself and I’m really pleased with it!
This was a wonderful event that brought amazing women together. Listening to Kelly brought inspiration to take action. Gave the opportunity to meet others with similar goals and energy that after meeting here are now able to stay connected to help each other realize their goals and dreams. A very powerful event. Thank you Kelly for motivating, inspiring us and giving us the tools to make dreams become realities.
I’m so happy you could not only help out as the chief Welcomer, but that you also got to attend and got so much out of it. You are on an amazing path Leonor and I’m so excited to share your journey with you. 🙂 xx
Thank you again, Kelly. It was a lovely day of inspiration and FUN. I am so thrilled to be a part of your Project Me journey. You spend your time motivating people and your energy is contageous. I will patiently wait to see you in Madrid again so we can hopefully bring your message to more mothers…and whoever else wants to get more organized!
#ichoosekelly #ichooseenglishforfun
You are one truly awesome mama Jill! Huge thanks for all of the great effort you put into creating such a super successful event. I’ll love to come back! 🙂