Why I'm Leaving Project Me for Project ME
Have you ever felt so wildly out of balance that you’re living in a constant state of stress or anxiety?
You don’t sleep well, you’re not taking good care of yourself and worst of all you feel like you’re letting everyone down.
This has been me lately.
The irony is not lost on me that I co run a website helping busy mothers find a happier balance, yet recently my own life has been far from balanced.
Before Project Me came along I was already running my busy yoga business, teaching mornings and evenings, as well as running workshops and retreats. Because I’m a one woman show I deal with all of the admin that goes along with it too.
I have four kids and while only my younger two are still school aged, my son comes and goes during his university studies and my eldest daughter is back at home again after graduating university and working her first real job.
My husband also works from home so our house always feels full of life, especially when I have ten yoga students in my living room and the furniture moved out into the hallway!
When I took on Project Me with my fab friend Kelly, I knew that I was adding yet another element to my already busy life, but having mastered the balancing act (or so I thought) I felt ready to help others do the same.
I also knew that to keep a happy balance I needed to nurture all 8 of my key life areas and my monthly Power Posse sessions always helped keep me on track.
However the last few months have grown increasingly challenging. We weren’t quite expecting the global following we’ve quickly found and the bigger we get, the more work there is to do – and we haven’t even created our first paid product yet!
There’s so much more than meets the eye to running an online business and the ideas list is always endless.
The time I physically have to work on Project Me is much less than Kelly who’s not running a second business like I am.
The Work area of my life was tipping me badly out of balance to the point that there weren’t enough hours in my week for much else.
Something had to give.
I know Project Me is still in its infancy and will become a successful and profitable business, but for now I’m working two jobs – one of them already bringing in the valuable money my family needs – the other completely unpaid.
I think you know where this is going…
I’m really sad to say that I’m stepping down as the co director of Project Me Global Ltd. (I liked the ring of that cool title.)
I’m sorry to let Kelly down just as we were about to launch the Power Pal Pack and I’m so sad to walk away from this amazing project and all of you.
But I’m a firm believer in living by my values. I value my kids and my marriage. I value feeling happy, healthy and balanced. I value my friendship with Kelly.
As much as I’m sad to walk away from Project Me, I’m excited about my Project ME. Looking after myself, seeing old friends, spending quality time with my family and giving my yoga students the extra attention they deserve.
I’ll still be here to support Kelly and I’ll be popping in with guest blogs so you certainly haven’t seen the last of me.
We’re cooking up plans to create a Project Me retreat – a combo of yoga and life coaching – which will be amazing! So I know this isn’t the end of the road for our collaboration and certainly not an end to our eight year friendship.
Kelly is both an amazing friend and dedicated businesswoman. Her drive, enthusiasm and passion for Project Me knows no bounds! With Kelly at the helm, I know that Project Me will continue to grow into a beautiful business that’ll help busy mothers (like me!) find the path to a happy balanced life. And I’ll be there cheering her on all the way.

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Suzie, we’ve talked about all of this privately, but I would like to publicly support your decision. It takes a great deal of self-awareness to recognise your balance issues and know what you need to do to bring yourself into a happier state. You have to walk the talk and since Project Me is all about finding a sense of balance, you’re practicing what you preach and I fully respect and appluad this.
You’re an inspiration to mothers everywhere who have to make tough decisions at various stages of life. What feels right one year can feel very wrong the next. Goals are great to aim for, but they aren’t set in stone. We have to adapt, change and grow in order to feel happy and to be our best selves. And we can’t always worry about letting other people down. Yes, I felt gutted when you first told me about your decision, but I would never want you to stay on board out of obligation or fear of upsetting me.
Friendship first. We said that when we first began Project Me, and I’m happy that still stands true. I truly value our friendship and it means the world to me to have your blessing and support to carry on with Project Me. This work makes me feel more alive than anything else I’ve ever done in my life. Working in the entertainment industry was a blast and I wouldn’t have traded those experiences for anything, but I’m a different person now and I feel blessed to have found my calling to help others feel happier.
You’re an amazing yoga teacher and I know the extra time you’ll now have will benefit your students – and your family who won’t have to share you with two separate businesses.
See you this Wednesday for our next Power Posse session where we can readjust our goals and do a balance assessment 🙂 Love you x
Kelly thank you so much for this. Gosh, seeing it all here in black and white makes it all seem so final (and emotional – sniff!). As you know, it was a really tough but necessary decision to make and I’m just SO grateful that our friendship hasn’t been affected. I know that you’re going to do an amazing job flying solo and I’m looking forward to watching Project Me soar to dizzy heights. I’m so happy to have you in my life my lovely friend. Love you too and see you Wednesday. x
What a beautiful post.
I really admire mums who walk their wellbeing talk – and that is definitely you! 🙂 It was just so refreshing to read. Thanks so much for sharing your decision making process with us.
Congrats on staying true to you 🙂
Thank you Rhiannon. It took a lot of time and heartache to reach that decision, but it truly is the right one for me right now. I’ll be popping back in every now and again so I’m thinking of it not so much as a final goodbye – more of a see you sometime soon!
This is wonderfully written and so eloquently explained Suzie. I totally understand your reasons for leaving Project Me and it’s brave of you to make the decision before things got too unbalanced in your life. I look forward to seeing you back for guest posts and more!
And I know with Kelly driving Project Me with all of her enthusiasm and creativity, it will be an amazing success.
Good luck to both of you! xxxx
Thank Vicki. Yes certainly a tough decision to make and I’m sitting here today with very mixed feelings. Happy to be moving back towards better balance and sad to be leaving this part of my life behind. Kelly and I loved working with you – your photos certainly captured the essence of our friendship beautifully! x
Good luck Suzie and good luck Kelly.xxx
Thank you Shelagh! x
What a wonderful post, I know you two have been such an amazing team, wow the following you have built in such a short space of time is nothing short of incredible. It sounds as though this is the right decision for you though Suzie, time to relax and get into Bob Marley mode.
I know this isn’t the end though Suzie, we will see you around the cyber space place. :0)
Kelly a new era, the show is all yours now. We are all here to support you.
Thanks Clare. Not sure about chilling about Marley style just yet – but yes, there’ll certainly be space in my life now to go to a yoga class, read a book and relax in the sunshine (if the sun actually does ever get around to shining here….). And I’m looking forward to still being a part of the Project Me community – just from a different perspective!
If anything, I think this “humanises” what you have both been doing and it is great to share the realities, hard work and overall impact of creating an on-line business which is a lot harder than others seem to think sometimes. Suzie you should be extremely proud of what you have achieved to date with Kelly so far and it is great that your friendship remains solid and that you can jump back in with some guest slots to help all us stressed out Mum’s find some balance. Good luck in your future endeavours and good luck Kelly with Project Me – you know you can do it!!
Yes, it certainly showed me that – much as I wanted to do it all – I’m only human. Balance has always been my guiding value and I had to be honest with myself, and with all of you. I’ll be popping back in every now and again so you definitely haven’t seen the last of me!
You know what they say,”Lead by example,” and that is exactly what you are doing. Good luck and enjoy! 🙂
Thanks Melanie – I will!
Good luck Suzi! Kelly is right.. it does take a great deal of self-awareness to make such a decision and I applaud your commitment to take care of “me” .. Am sure both of you will continue to create awesomeness together and in your own unique ways!!
Thank you Prerna, I appreciate that. Here’s to all of us truly following what’s right for us – as mothers, working women and individuals.
Suzie, sorry to hear you are leaving.
Kelly keep the flag flying high and I am sure you will succeed.
See you soon
Thanks for your support Z. Great to see a dad on Project Me 🙂
Ohhh….reading this post along with Kelly’s response has brought a tear to my eye. I am so proud of both of you for handling this very emotionally challenging situation with so much love and respect for each other. For the record I think you are both incredibly fabulous on so many levels. I have been so blessed to be both a friend and a yoga student of Suzie’s and I know she gives 100% to everything she does. Recognising when this slipped and doing something about it is truly honourable. I’m sure your yoga classes are only going to get more exceptional Suzie(tonight is SADLY my last as I prepare to leave the country) and Kelly you are an inspiration to mothers like me and I look forward to checking in watching Project Me flourish! Sending love in abundance. x
Oh Emma – reading this brought a tear to my eye. Thank you so much. I’ve loved having you in my class more than words can say and much as I’m sad to see you go I know this is an exciting new chapter in ALL our lives. Both you and Kelly inspire me every day and that’s never going to change! Big love xx
Oh, BEST of luck to you, Suzie! And Kelly: full steam ahead! You ladies have been quite the dynamic duo, so I see nothing but success on the horizon. 🙂
Thank you Karen!
Suzie, I just wanted to say a big thank you for my weekly doses of inspiration and motivation and for co-creating some amazing tools which have really started to change my daily life and my plans for the future. I am sure you have made a big difference to the lives of many and I hope you look back with pride. Also, good luck to Kelly too. I look forward to what she has in store. All the best.
Lisa thank you. It’s great to know that what Kelly and I have created so far is having a positive impact out there. Kelly’s some amazing ideas up her sleeve so there’s plenty more good stuff to come!
Suzie, as one of your yoga students I have been expecting (and dreading) the day you say you are shuting up the yoga lounge due to Project Me commitments. So it’s a real shock to hear you’re stepping down.
I love the Project Me doses of inspiration and I am picking up loads of valuable insight, but I’m still struggling with my goals and in truth it’s because I’m taking on too much and there aren’t enough hours in the day. I too have 2 businesses and although long term I have an exit strategy in place, short term we need the income from both so my work life balance is out of whack. I’ve been feeling like a failure for not achieving it all but your post has made me realise I need to be realistic about time constraints so in a funny way I find it reassuring to hear you were in the same boat.
I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you better via Proget Me, you are a very inspiring lady! The retreats sound FAB and I look forward to seeing what you and Kelly have in planning
Cathy – I hear you!! Knowing that you have a long term exit strategy in place must help with the bigger picture but the day to day living through the reality of juggling two business is tough. We can only do what we can do with the time we have, so never beat yourself up about not being able to do more. Do your best to build in small pockets of self care – like your yoga class! Would love to have you along on our first retreat but in the meantime see you on the mat tomorrow!
As a mum (trying to) juggle working part time with 2 children under 5 and a husband who travels a lot, i admire you both enormously and have found your side extremely helpful and inspiring. I personally think its the hardest thing to pour your time, energy and creativity into building something from nothing in the early stages, before it even makes financial sense. Its also very brave and honest to admit when something you believe in isn’t working for your own personal goals, face the music and move on. I have observed that changes of this kind , while very unsettling at the time, can often having weirdly positive effects, turning up new ideas and resources…i feel sure there are great things ahead for both of you! I wish you the best of luck, and thank you .
Thank you Lisa. Gosh I remember those difficult demanding days juggling very young children AND work (my youngest is now 11). Yes it’s been hard to pour everything I’ve got into creating a business – and even harder to then let it go! I totally agree with you that new and amazing things will come out of this for both Kelly and I. This whole experience has been a great life lesson and I’m so happy to have been able to inspire you by sharing it.
It is so important to put our needs above other commitments. I am all for following your heart and doing what makes you happy. Although I can imagine it was really hard to make the decision, when you feel yourself unbalanced it is so important to take care of yourself. Suzie, you have inspired so many through this website and you will be greatly missed, I am sure. Good luck with everything. x
Following your heart is always the right thing to do isn’t it? Ironically it was the Project Me Life Wheel Tool that showed me just how out of whack I was! Stepping away is sad but absolutely the right thing for me right now. Thanks for your best wishes.
What a wonderful post! I totally get it. Part of being balanced is balancing the scales when they are tipped too far one way or the other. I know Kelly will do a great job! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with both of you and I hope you know how much you both have inspired me as I work towards my own goal of running an online business. Best of luck!
Thanks Stacey – you more than most would know about juggling life’s many demands as a busy mother! Good luck with your online business – happy to have played some small part in it along the way!
Suzie, what an amazing blog post.
I commend you for ‘walking your talk’ and making a heart-felt decision,that was based on what was best for you and your family. I appreciate your honesty and transparency. Thanks for shining a light on a topic that many women battle with: over-committing. You’re a prime example of being candid and acknowledging when your cup is over-flowing! Thank you.
Wishing you every success in the future.
Thank you so much Kristy. I’ve always tried to live in accordance with my values – balance being a key one for me. It was a very tough decision to make but definitely the one that was right for me and my family right now.
Life is about balance . It is important to have Peace above you, below you and all around you but most important to have peace within your heart. Lots of success.
So true Yvonne, thank you for this beautiful comment.
This is bitter sweet Suzie.
You will be missed – but we all understand this delicate balancing act and respect you standing up for yourself and your family. It’s very admirable.
We look forward to your guest appearances and know that Project Me is exceptional hands.
Thanks Nicholette – yes Project Me is certainly in excellent hands! Sad to be going but happy to be popping in and out!
What a beautiful, honest post. Thank you Suzie for your support of Kelly – I know you two have been a wonderful team and great support for each other as Project Me grew – and I wish you all the best with your work-life balance. I am absolutely miles away but I’d love to come to a yoga/life coaching retreat! 🙂
Ah Helen, thank you! Who knows, maybe we’ll end up running a retreat over your side of the world one day and wj=hen we do we’ll see you there!
Suzie! I truly applaud such honesty and respect for yourself – and that you are making a tough, but necessary, decision. So often us women (especially moms) will push ourselves over the edge trying to keep up and do what we think will make everyone else happy while we are crumbling inside. And that is no way to exist. Project Me is amazing and you both have done such an outstanding job. It’s beautiful to see Kelly support your decision and to know that you will continue to be a part of Project Me, just in a different capacity.
This is NOT an ending. It’s the beginning of a new phase.
Absolutely right Carin – definitely not and ending, just a new beginning. Over commitment is a real 21st century condition – especially for us busy mums – and I feel lucky to have been in a position to be able make this decision. Kelly has been amazing in her support of me and I love her for that (as well as her many other qualities!).
Your post strikes a cord with me and so many busy moms who often put too many activities on their plate, but never know when to say “Enough.” I LOVE that you’re a firm believer in living by your values.
No matter what you do, you’re a bright and shining light in this world and you help so many women take better care of themselves – both physically and emotionally.
It’s been an honor to feature you at The Momiverse.
Wishing you much love and thanks for setting an example of grace.
Charmin thank you so much, I really appreciate your comment. Luckily I can still help busy moms (and dads!) live their best lives – but from the yoga mat instead. I loved my involvement with the Momiverse and hope it goes from strength to strength. With love x
[…] fab biz partner Suzie left Project Me. And I was […]
[…] agreement on how to phase Suzie out of the partnership with minimal impact. Suzie wrote the article, Why I’m Leaving Project Me for Project ME about what led up to her decision to leave and how she knew the business would continue in […]