Create an Online Business That Fits In With Your Family
Did you stop working after your started a family? Are you now pondering a return to work, but feeling confused about what you want to do?
Maybe you are working, but the commute is wearing you down. You’d love to work from home, doing something you feel passionate about – but what is that anymore?
It’s easy to become disconnected to yourself after becoming a mother. Things have shifted and changed in many ways.
Where did you go? Who are you now?
All you’ve done for the past few years is talk about, think about, cook for, wash, dress, pamper, hug, kiss and cuddle your beautiful kids. It’s the way you’re hard wired so it’s no surprise you’re feeling a little disconnected from who you once were. You’ve lost yourself somewhere along the way.
You’re barely able to remember what life was like before. How did you spend your time? What used to excite you? What occupied your brain?
You could just plod back to the corporate cubicle, but somehow that no longer appeals.
Something new has been born within you, a fresh perspective on life.
Maybe you’re feeling ready to take some first steps back into work life but in a more meaningful and passionate way.
The truth is you owe it to your kids to spend your life doing work that you love.
The perfect opportunity is here right now to work for yourself, doing something you love, while creating a flexible life that works for you and your kids.
In today’s world, setting up an online business makes sense.
You can work from home, choose your own hours, take holidays without asking permission and if you have a sick child at home you won’t feel guilty for taking a day off.
Read my story of how I created Project Me here.
In the comments below, throw your questions out about starting an online business or what’s holding you back from taking some first steps.

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Excellent post! Certainly is a great time to start creating a life that we want as mothers, and as women.
Absolutely Kate! 🙂
I can relate to every word. Don’t want to go back to what I was doing, have a few ideas floating around in my head but not sure how to get started. You are the second person to mention B-School this week so I am taking that as a sign from the universe and have just clicked your link and await your wisdom! Thank you Kelly. Feeling a tad excited, so that’s a good sign right?
DEFINITELY a sign Stacy! I’ll send you Marie’s training videos and be on hand to answer any of your Qs. I’m feeling all excited for you now! xx
I’m excited to learn more about B-School too! I’ve signed up for your update. Thank you. 🙂
Great Helen! You’ll hear more from me very soon. 🙂