how to make a vision board

How to Make A Good-Vibes Vision Board

I’m a huge fan of Vision Boarding and love having a visual reference for my deepest intentions and biggest dreams. 

Way back in 2012, my kids and I created a giant Family Vision Board. Since then, many of our adventures and personal wishes have come to life. For example, my eldest son is fulfilling his dreams by being a house-music DJ while studying at university, travelling in his spare time, and being in a loving relationship with his wonderful girlfriend – all of which he glued to his Vision Board back when when he was only 12.


That same Vision Board was where I planted the seed for my book idea – which manifested into a book publishing deal and creating my dream business around the concept of Project Me. 


I now create a fresh Vision Board for each year. It’s great motivation to carve out essential Me Time to realign with my intentions and ask myself what I want out the year ahead.

My annual Vision Board Workshop brings women together to motivate them to actually make their Vision Board! (Too often we say we’re going to do something, but never actually get around to doing it. Sound familiar?) Sharing your Vision Board with others gives it extra power. Here’s a glimpse into one of my Vision Board Workshops.







Before I dive into how to make your Vision Board, let’s look at the why behind it. 

3 Reasons Why Vision Boards Work 

⭐ Clarity is power!

When your thoughts are a jumbled mess and you’re not even sure of exactly what you want, how are you going to get it? By taking the time to clarify what you want and why you want it, you’re setting the wheels in motion. Every time you look at your Vision Board you’ll have an instant visual reminder so you stay focused. Even when you’re feeling down, you’ll be able to reconnect with feelings of excitement and self-belief – which is where reason #2 comes in…

⭐ The Law of Vibration

Gazing at your beautiful Vision Board and thinking good-feeling thoughts creates a positive vibrational energy. You attract back to you whatever you’re giving off – so allow yourself to bask in the feeling of positive expectation. Everything you want is ultimately about the way it will make you feel. So how will you feel when you’re on that holiday,  have started your business or written your book? Smile and feel appreciation in advance for everything on your board. When you do this, you’ll be amazed at how signs and opportunities ‘magically’ present themselves and people show up to help you – if you’re paying attention. Don’t write these off as coincidences as they are gifts to guide you towards your desires. 

⭐ Inspired Action

Creating a Vision Board also inspires you to be proactive. Now that you can see what you want, and feel excited about what’s to come,  an extra surge of motivation will arise. You’ll begin to take small-step actions that you might not have thought about (or may have procrastinated on) before. The more juiced-up you feel about what’s on your board, the more eager you’ll be to get moving. This builds momentum and you’ll create an effortless flow that inspires you to keep going. 

How to Make A Good-Vibes Vision Board 

  • Gather up a variety of magazines. (*Or search online.) 

You’ll be looking for pictures, words and quotations that represent your goals and dreams and how you most want to feel in your life. Remember, you want to give off good-vibes when you look at your Vision Board so you will attract it to you like a magnet. 

My favourites are inspired living magazines like Psychologies, Oprah, Breathe and Yoga Journal because they’re filled with positive images and inspiring words. Health and wellbeing, home decor, and travel magazines are great too.  Ask your hairdresser if they’ve got old issues you can take away. Celebrity gossip magazines won’t really work for this.

  • Update: this year instead of magazines, I used the search function in Pinterest to type in words representing how I want to feel and came up with powerful words and images that I feel really aligned with! Sometimes trolling through magazines leads you to cut out things you think you should want, rather than listening to your own inner voice. Here’s a YouTube video I’ve made to show how to use Pinterest and Canva to create your Vision Board. 


  • Decide the size of your board.

Where might you hang your Vision Board so you see it? This will help you decide which size to make it. If you feel self-conscious about others seeing it, consider the inside of your wardrobe/closet door or another cabinet you open daily. (I’m a huge believer in openly sharing your board. I do a whole presentation to my family every year!)

Mine is size A2 160g white card. This makes it lights and easy for me to hang on a bulletin board right next to my desk where I see it every day. It also means I can roll up last year’s Vision Board and store it easily. (This is in huge contrast to the gigantic Family Vision Board we made in 2012. The bummer was, when we moved house I had to cut it into pieces. But I took plenty of photos of it first.)

What would help you to enjoy the journey this year?  Would you like to read or meditate more?  Be a calmer, more patient parent? Eat healthier or up your fitness game? Travel somewhere new? Start or grow your business? Are there any community, charity or giving back projects you’d like to get involved in?  The Project Me Life Wheel® is a great tool for inspiration. How do you want to feel in each area of your life?  For each goal or intention, ask yourself, ‘Why do I want this? How will this make me feel?’

  • Prepare your space.

Board, glue-stick, scissors, magazines are all you need – stickers and coloured ink pens if you’re feeling extra creative. If you have the luxury of a big table to spread out on (and nobody to interrupt your creative flow) all the better!  Get cozy if you can. I like to diffuse essential oils and play uplifting chill-out music. I recommend this 8 minute Amplify Your Goals Meditation in the Insight Timer Meditation app to raise your feel-good vibes before you get started. 

  • Cut first, glue later.

Cut freely without overthinking it. Glue things down once you’ve gone through all of your magazines. It’s okay to leave blank spaces to fill in with future inspiration. If you couldn’t find images or words that represent some of the things or feelings you desire on your board, go to Google images and search for them. Be sure to include your Word of The Year.

  • Have fun! 

Drop perfection or any feelings that you might not be doing it ‘right’. Everyone has their own unique style in creating their Vision Board and you don’t have to be artsy or creative beyond cutting and gluing. The most important part of all of this is to be feelings-led. Focus on the feelings that the images evoke for you as this is what you’ll feel when you gaze (daily) at your finished board. Even if something seems a million miles out of reach right now, allow yourself to feel hopeful and eager. Notice any self-limiting beliefs that might try tell you it’s not possible. If you can dream it, you can have it! 

Here’s my previous Vision Board. Note that my board has evolved into one with less material things on it because I’ve already manifested those previously. I have my fabulous living environment, dream career, deep loving relationship, beautiful family, vibrant health, a published book…  Now I focus more on how I want to feel and be in all areas of my life so that it continues to flow smoothly. As living a well balanced life is one of my biggest values, I include images and words to represent each life area on the Project Me Life Wheel®.  




I hope you’re feeling inspired to create your own good-vibes Vision Board. In the comments below please share if you’ve ever made a Vision Board, or is this new to you? I’ll love to hear from you. 

May your dream visions become your reality this year and beyond! Share your Vision Board on social media and tag @kellyprojectme  #projectme 

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  1. Kim on January 30, 2019 at 11:07 AM

    I’m happy this is included in Project WE membership and can’t wait to make mine with your guidance! Never made one before. I’m super inspired and ready. Thanks for everything you’ve done for us already this year. I am loving being a part of Project WE! x

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on January 31, 2019 at 11:33 AM

      Kim it’s great to have you as a part of the Project WE Power Posse! You’re doing fabulously well and I’m excited to see your Vision Board! 🙂 xx

  2. Jennifer on January 30, 2019 at 11:11 AM

    I have made one in the past but your extra tips here will make all of the difference. It’s all about the energy we create when we make it and then when we look at it we call back those positives vibes. Love it! I will definitely do it and will look at Project WE to learn more.

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on January 31, 2019 at 11:35 AM

      I’d of course love to have you join Project WE Jennifer! I’ll dive even deeper into this in our Vision Board Workshop. Sending you GOOD VIBES!!! xx

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  4. Morning Upgrade on October 26, 2021 at 4:46 PM

    Clarity Is Power! That is so true. You made some great points as to why vision boards are a good idea to make. It puts everything into perspective and is presented right in front of you. This can be a great way to always be reminded of what your goals are! -Ryan

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on November 30, 2021 at 1:24 PM

      Absolutely Ryan! If you can dream it, you can live it. 🙂

  5. Danielle on February 17, 2022 at 9:50 AM

    This was such a helpful post Kelly! I’ve only ever made digital Vision Boards for my computer and phone background and wasn’t really sure where to start with a physical one as crazy as that sounds haha. This has given me some good starting ideas and I can’t wait to sit down and do it! Thanks! 😀

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