Bach Flower Remedies for You and Your Family

How would you like a magic box of natural potions that cured all of your emotional ups and downs? Feeling gloomy? A few drops of potion on your tongue brightens you right up. Nervous and apprehensive? Take some as a confidence booster. Pondering a decision and can’t make up your mind? There’s one to help…

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What To Do If You Don’t Like Christmas

I’ve had way too many unhappy Decembers when my kids were small. It got to the point that I began to dread the holiday season. And then I got myself even more wound up because my friends LOVED Christmas and I felt even worse that I didn’t.  And I would tell everyone I met the…

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Have Yourself A Simpler Little Christmas

Are you prone to over-complicating things? A perfectionist who thinks everything needs to be just so? This Christmas give yourself the gift of keeping it simple – and remember the reason for season.  It’s not about crazy spending or making your home look like a decorating magazine photo shoot. Christmas is about spending time with…

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How to Design Your Day the Way YOU Want It To Go

Daily Planner for moms and mums

Do you dive into each day without a game plan? Are you easily sidetracked? Do you procrastinate on the important (but boring) stuff, then kick yourself when the day’s over and you still didn’t manage to get it done? Wouldn’t it be great to arrive calm, prepared and on time to everywhere you needed to be? To feel happy and…

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Lighten Up and Quit Shoulding On Yourself!

How often do you tell yourself that you ‘should’ do something? I should call my mother. I should bake something for the bake sale. I should tackle that mountain of paperwork. I should turn off my phone and get to sleep. Notice too how often you ‘must’ be doing something? I must get to the gym.…

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Top 10 Insight Timer Meditations for Mothers

After years of restless monkey mind attempts, I’ve finally created a daily meditation habit I wouldn’t want to live without. I owe it all to the free Insight Timer Meditation app. I love to wake up in the morning to ‘beditate’ without even getting out from under the cozy covers.  The best thing about Insight Timer…

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Are Your Kids Over Scheduled?

Ballet, football, gymnastics, swimming, music lessons… Do you feel like you might have over scheduled kids? Are you shuffling them around from various clubs and activities to the point you’re exhausted and not even sure if they’re enjoying it anymore? I recently read an article in the Huffington Post by Dr. Samantha Rodman, a clinical psychologist and mother…

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The Pros of Making a Pros and Cons List

Do you ever get bogged down with little daily decisions? Deliberating back and forth about two options takes up a lot of valuable head space that you can’t always spare. Forget about pondering over things in your already bogged-down mind. For easy(‘ish) decisions, nothing quite beats a good old Pros and Cons list. Don’t write it…

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