Recommended Meditation Apps for Mothers

Meditating Mother

Feel like you ‘should’ be meditating, but never really manage to get into it? Have a monkey mind and can’t stop the endless chatter running through your head? I hear you! For years I tried to develop a meditation practice. I’d heard all of the amazing benefits, including less stress and anxiety, the ability to…

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Bach Flower Remedies for You and Your Family

How would you like a magic box of natural potions that cured all of your emotional ups and downs? Feeling gloomy? A few drops of potion on your tongue brightens you right up. Nervous and apprehensive? Take some as a confidence booster. Pondering a decision and can’t make up your mind? There’s one to help…

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What To Do If You Don’t Like Christmas

I’ve had way too many unhappy Decembers when my kids were small. It got to the point that I began to dread the holiday season. And then I got myself even more wound up because my friends LOVED Christmas and I felt even worse that I didn’t.  And I would tell everyone I met the…

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6 Strategies For Handling Festive Family Friction

Dealing With Difficult Relatives

Are you dealing with a difficult relative over the festive season? Someone who winds you up, drains your energy or is about as unpleasant as a root canal? Maybe it’s a meddling mother-in-law, an opinionated uncle, a sulky sister, or a bratty nephew. Family get-togethers are part and parcel of Christmas, so you need to…

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Top 10 Insight Timer Meditations for Mothers

After years of restless monkey mind attempts, I’ve finally created a daily meditation habit I wouldn’t want to live without. I owe it all to the free Insight Timer Meditation app. I love to wake up in the morning to ‘beditate’ without even getting out from under the cozy covers.  The best thing about Insight Timer…

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EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping for Mothers

Have you heard of Tapping yet? It’s also known as EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique. You lightly tap certain points on your face and body to watch fears and anxiety disappear. Sounds kind of woo-woo wacky, right? Read on… I first heard about tapping when I watched a video about it by my business mentor Marie Forleo.…

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The Pros of Making a Pros and Cons List

Do you ever get bogged down with little daily decisions? Deliberating back and forth about two options takes up a lot of valuable head space that you can’t always spare. Forget about pondering over things in your already bogged-down mind. For easy(‘ish) decisions, nothing quite beats a good old Pros and Cons list. Don’t write it…

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How To Create A Toolbox of Calm

Back when my kids were very little, life felt hectic and out of control. I was shouting at them way too much and I desperately wanted to be a more peaceful, loving mother. I decided to create a Toolbox of Calm. Something I could quickly access when I felt a full-blown Mama Meltdown coming on. I…

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How to Stay Calm When Your Child Gets Angry

How can we help our children when they are angry, frustrated, disappointed, or sad? The key is to start by staying calm. We don’t need to argue, defend, or join them in their emotional upheaval. Instead, it’s important we just breathe, relax, and stay grounded. It’s not easy, I know. Feeling frustrated or angry with…

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