The Secret to Having a Special Mother’s Day

Would you like to feel extra special on Mother’s Day instead of it being the same as any other day? Wish your family would make some kind of effort towards making you feel loved and appreciated? Since I became a mother 18 years ago I’ve had a few bummer Mother’s Days – especially when we were living…

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The Project Me Book Launch Party

Whew! My feet have barely touched the ground since my Project Me book launch party and I want to capture it here in photos and words while it’s all still fresh in my mind. I’ve written before about how I used a Vision Board to make my book publishing dream come true and the journey…

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The New and Improved Project Me Website!

Ta-daaah!!! It’s time to pull back the curtain on the new and improved Project Me website!  When Project Me was launched in September 2013 the site looked fresh and exciting, but over the years I began to see the layout as looking like a mummy/mommy blog. I have absolutely nothing against mummy/mommy bloggers but if…

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Create Your Project ME In 3 Easy Steps

Anyone else go all weak at the knees about stationery? Highlighter pens, Post-It notes, paper clips and notebooks – I’m a kid in a candy store in a shop that sells funky, colourful supplies.  Combine that with my love fill-in-the-blank worksheets and I’m in my own kind of bliss.  The concept of this very website came out of…

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4 Ways To Form Meaningful Friendships


Are you lacking meaningful friendships? Do you miss having friends you can confide in? Or ones you can let your hair down with and just have a good laugh? Maybe you’ve moved somewhere new and are starting all over again with making new local friends? Did great friendships feel easier to come by when you were younger? Back…

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Fallen Out With Your Man? Why Email Is The Answer

You’ve had a major argument with your husband. You both think you’re right. You can cut the tension with a chainsaw. All attempts at communication are blocked by defensive egos – neither of you are prepared to back down. In our 16 years together, my husband and I have had some ridiculously drawn out arguments. We’re…

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