Volunteer opportunities for mums moms

‘Helper’s High’: How to Find The Best Volunteering Opportunities

Do you wish you could find volunteering opportunities that suite your schedule and align with your values or skills? Have you toyed with the idea of volunteering with a nonprofit, but don’t know where to start?

Volunteering is a great thing to do if you’re preparing to return to work or to progress your career, or simply if you simply want a way to give back.

When my kids were younger I did the usual volunteering at school whenever an extra pair of hands were needed. When they attended British school, I helped with the Christmas bazaar, Easter egg rolling contest, and Summer fete. When they were in an American school, I was ‘room-mom’ for a year and enjoyed supporting the teacher, my son and his classmates and getting a good glimpse ‘behind the scenes’.

As much as I’m happy I did all of that, I reached a point where I longed to volunteer in a different way. Rather than spending my time helping already privileged kids to have an even better time, I wanted to have more of an impact on those less fortunate. I learned of a once-a-week opportunity to help out at a soup kitchen and it turned out to be a rewarding experience beyond my expectations.

In this week’s video interview I speak to Tiia Sammallahti, the founder of whatCharity, about ‘Helper’s High’ and the meaning that volunteering gives people’s lives. Women who may have given up their careers to raise their family can be using their skill set and finding volunteering opportunities to help charities who really need them.

Tiia and I also talk about corporate responsibility and how whatCharity helped to align Project Me to a wonderful non-profit, You Make It, that helps empower young women with skills and confidence.  You can read about that here.

We also discuss my idea to organise a fun charity event that will bring Project Me women together to meet one another while supporting a meaningful cause. Who’s up for a run / walk or to jump on board on the Book Bus with me?

I hope you enjoy this interview! (You can also listen to it like you would a podcast if you’re on-the-go or folding that endless pile of laundry…)



Tiia Sammallahti is CEO and founder of whatCharity where people can find all sizes and types of charities on a map and find their perfect match in terms of money donations, fundraising, giving skills and time or for corporates to donate goods and services. It’s like the TripAdvisor for charities. The site has has gained the position of THE most trustworthy charity site that embraces transparency and gives an equal opportunity for all charities to come forward.



Photo by Padli Pradana from Pexels

In the comments below, share your thoughts and experiences with volunteering opportunities – or what you think of getting involved in a charity walk or run with Project Me. Tiia and I will love to hear from you! 

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  1. Tracy on August 9, 2019 at 5:24 PM

    I enjoyed this one and it definitely has me thinking about getting involved with a charity that is close to my heart who helped my mother and who I have been wanting to pay it back to. I will reach out to them and see what I can possibly do to help around my skill set. Thank you for this wonderful inspiration. x

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on September 10, 2019 at 1:33 PM

      I’m over the moon that this has inspired you to act on your idea. Please keep me updated on where you go with this Tracy! 🙂 xx

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