
The Secret to Having a Special Mother’s Day

Would you like to feel extra special on Mother’s Day instead of it being the same as any other day? Wish your family would make some kind of effort towards making you feel loved and appreciated?

Since I became a mother 18 years ago I’ve had a few bummer Mother’s Days – especially when we were living in Spain and nobody knew which day to celebrate, so it just didn’t happen at all.

Now EVERY Mother’s Day equals extra hugs, homemade cards, breakfast in bed, lunch out and a day off from cooking and clearing up. YESSSS!!!!

Okay – listen closely. Here’s what you need to do to ensure you have a Mother’s Day filled with whatever would make you feel extra special.

Ask for it.

Yep. It’s as simple as that. Get specific about what you’d like and S-P-E-L-L it out.

My motto in life: If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

My kids LOVE bringing me breakfast in bed and making a fuss out of me. But they’re kids and kids forget how much they love doing all of that until they’re doing it, so they need a good reminder the day before.

I show them there are fresh berries in the fridge, a new box of my favourite muesli in the cupboard and I make sure the tray is out. They know I prefer homemade cards to store bought and that it’s the special messages inside I love the most.

I book a table somewhere nice for lunch, remind everyone that the best present I could ever wish for is a lie-in and a day off from cooking and cleaning up, then I rest easy in the knowledge that everything’s in place for me to have the kind of Mother’s Day I like!

Once I realised that my family aren’t mind readers and I started asking for what I’d like – I got it.

Maybe you don’t really care about feeling spoiled on Mother’s Day. Maybe you’ve got a hubby or kids who make it happen without request. (Lucky you!) But if you do care and you aren’t getting what you’d like – lovingly put in your requests.

No matter what happens, treat yourself to some self-care. So what if the house isn’t spotless or it’s leftovers (or pancakes!) for dinner? Put your feet up – guilt-free.

Wishing all of you amazing mamas the happiest Mother’s Day! You deserve a medal for all that you do.

In the comments below, share what you’d like most for Mother’s Day. Does your family make a fuss out of you? Or could they do with some hints…?

PSSST… how about asking for my book, Project Me for Busy Mothers: A Practical Guide to Finding a Happier Balance?  Or ordering yourself a copy now and asking for some peace and quiet on Sunday to put your feet up and enjoy it? 

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  1. Sara on March 20, 2017 at 3:20 PM

    Such simple advice that makes sense! I’m guilty of feeling a bit hard done by when my family have not made Mother’s Day feel special for me. I’m going to use your idea and book a table myself and tell them where we’re going! I am also going to invest in a new breakfast tray 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day to you Kelly! I’m not sure where you are living now or which day you celebrate? xx

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on March 20, 2017 at 3:38 PM

      Good for you Sara! I’m now living in London. Even though I’m originally from America, I like to celebrate the Mother’s Day of the country I’m living in!

  2. Diane on March 20, 2017 at 3:24 PM

    My little girl is too young to realise but I can certainly tell my husband that I would appreciate the day off so it doesn’t feel like a normal day. They are not mind readers and it’s good to ask for what you want instead of feeling neglected. He did buy me flowers the first year! 🙂

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on March 20, 2017 at 3:39 PM

      Yep. It’s all how you present it. No need to make him feel bad for previous years. Just tell him what you’d love this year!

  3. Fiona on March 20, 2017 at 3:33 PM

    Is that the breakfast tray that spilled all over you last year? I remember that from your Facebook post! Have a very happy Mother’s Day Kelly! I’m inspired to organise a nice day out and not wait for anyone else to! xx

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on March 20, 2017 at 3:42 PM

      Ha ha! It was two years ago actually – but well remembered Fiona! It was a full glass of orange juice all down the front of me and the sheets, pillow…. At least it wasn’t a hot cup of tea!

      Have fun organising your special day out. ENJOY! xx

  4. Sarah Richardson on March 20, 2017 at 4:34 PM

    Yes I finally realised this year that if I want to go out for lunch on Mother’s Day I need to book it myself!!

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on March 20, 2017 at 5:13 PM

      Yes! Do it without any begrudging that you’re the one doing it and choose somewhere you want to go. Have a wonderful day Sarah xx

  5. Heather on March 20, 2017 at 8:12 PM

    Love it and just booked us a weekend at La Alhambra to celebrate 🙂 Totally telling hubby it was your idea!

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on March 21, 2017 at 12:38 PM

      Ss long as he doesn’t send me an invoice! LOL! Enjoy that weekend Heather, you deserve it!! xx

  6. Emma on March 21, 2017 at 9:41 AM

    Loving your direct hints approach.

    I should have done this last year on my first mother’s day, as I was a bit disappointed with a CD I already had, a footprint mug I had arranged, and no flowers… husband and daughter then went for a walk, returning with flowers, and more effort on my birthday a few days later!

    This year we are going to be on holiday in spain, so all I ask is that he finds a way to get cards and some gift out there without me finding in bags. And I will be deciding what we do on Sunday.

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on March 21, 2017 at 12:41 PM

      I know, I wish i was one of those people who genuinely don’t care about stuff like this – but when I try to pretend it doesn’t, it doesn’t work! Yes, the direct hints approach has been working great for me, so wanted to put it out there for others to try!

      Enjoy your special Spanish-style Mother’s Day! Heather above is also spending it in Spain. ENJOY! xx

  7. The Importance of Mama Me Time - Project Me on March 7, 2018 at 8:56 PM

    […] those of you celebrating UK Mother’s Day this weekend, here’s my secret to having a special Mother’s Day. Wishing you a lovely day! […]

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