Posts Tagged ‘me time’
How to Inject More Fun Into Your Life
How’s the Fun area on your Project Me Life Wheel looking these days? Maybe you’re feeling stuck in a rut and your fun-o-meter is registering ‘bored’, or you simply don’t have time to focus on fun. In the wake of everything else that needs doing, it’s easy to neglect this important area of your life. And…
Read MoreHow To Make Time For What Matters
Most busy mamas agree that there are just never enough hours in the day to get it all done. Can you relate? Last week in my Monday Motivator newsletter I gave out this little written assignment to my lovely subscribers. Please join in! Grab a piece of paper (or create a note on your phone) and write down three things you…
Read MoreChoose Your Word Of The Year
In January 2021, this post was turned into a podcast. Listen to me share the story of how choosing an annual word of the year since 2013 has profoundly changed my life. (And how to use the Sway Test to tap into your intuition if you’re not sure which word to choose.) Listen to episode…
Read MoreHow to Make A Good-Vibes Vision Board
I’m a huge fan of Vision Boarding and love having a visual reference for my deepest intentions and biggest dreams. Way back in 2012, my kids and I created a giant Family Vision Board. Since then, many of our adventures and personal wishes have come to life. For example, my eldest son is fulfilling his dreams by…
Read MoreAnnabel’s High Vibe Journey
Annabel said she wanted other women to know what the High Vibe Journey programme is about, so with her permission, I’ve published her inspiring story here: In all honesty, I didn’t fully understand the concepts Kelly talked about on the sales page for her High Vibe Journey programme. What does ‘raising my vibes’ or ‘strengthening…
Read MoreThe Project ME Holiday Gift Guide
There are plenty of lists going around at this time of year for what to buy the kids, your partner, your mother – even your pet. In true #ProjectMe spirit, this list is for YOU. Drop some hints or share this post to inspire someone with what to give you this Christmas. Or why not…
Read MoreHow to Design Your Weekend
One day I was scrolling social media and came across this: Hang on. Why should being a mother mean that your weekends feel just like any other day of the week? Yes, the early stages of motherhood can be a sleep-deprived, relentless monotony of doing the same things day in, day out with it all…
Read MoreThe Secret to Having a Special Mother’s Day
Would you like to feel extra special on Mother’s Day instead of it being the same as any other day? Wish your family would make some kind of effort towards making you feel loved and appreciated? Since I became a mother 18 years ago I’ve had a few bummer Mother’s Days – especially when we were living…
Read MoreWhy You Need Mama Me Time
Many mothers suffer from guilt, especially when it comes to doing something for themselves. They’ll organise everything they think their child needs – buying them more things, chauffeuring them from one activity to another – yet they’d never consider spending that kind of time or money on themselves. Eventually this kind of self-sacrifice leads to…
Read MoreHow to Plan a Project Me Date With Yourself
How often do you sit down with a pen and paper, do a little assessment of the different areas of your life and see what needs some planning or figuring out? Maybe you need a strategy for organising your home, getting into a fitness routine, having more fun with your partner or friends, or doing…
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