How to Deal With an Annoying Husband

Does your hubby irritate you? Is he slowly driving you mad with his array of petty but annoying behaviours? Yep. I hear you. After 17 years of marriage I’ve got a pretty extensive list of things that drive me around the bend. Leaves pans to ‘soak’ rather than just washing them up. Tells me I…

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Learn To Speak Your Partner’s Love Language

Does your partner text while you’re talking? Fail to notice when you’ve had your hair done? Does say he loves you, but you’d feel like he meant it if he helped out around the house more? Or maybe a kind gesture on your part didn’t get the desired reaction from him. You’re left wondering why you even…

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Treat Your Husband Like Your Best Friend

Imagine the scene: You’ve got a good friend visiting and she’s brought some mud in on her shoes. Would you yell at her for not taking her shoes off? Demand she clean it up immediately? How about a friend drives you somewhere and takes a wrong turn. Would you make her feel like a dimwit?…

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Fallen Out With Your Man? Why Email Is The Answer

You’ve had a major argument with your husband. You both think you’re right. You can cut the tension with a chainsaw. All attempts at communication are blocked by defensive egos – neither of you are prepared to back down. In our 16 years together, my husband and I have had some ridiculously drawn out arguments. We’re…

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