2024 Marie Forleo B-School Bonus Bundle

B-School Bonus

NOTE: Marie Forleo is running a very special SUMMER B-School 2024! Enrollment opens July 16 and closes July 26.  The live round of B-School begins July 29th. This is an online programme and whilst there are some opportunities to join Marie’s Office Hours Calls, there are no set times you need to log in or…

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My final blog post for Project Me

Have you ever outgrown something in your life, but you just keep ‘wearing it’ because you’re too afraid to throw it away?  That was me with this blog, website and online business. I launched myprojectme.com into the world in 2013 after doing Marie Forleo’s online B-School to learn how to take my passion for how…

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A Peek Under My Online Hood

Peek Under My Online Hood

When I was first creating my online business, I was incredibly grateful when others openly shared tools that would help me to run everything more smoothly.  Now I’d like to pay it back by giving you a peek under my online hood. Here’s what I use for website hosting, word processing, social media scheduling, content…

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Creating A Family Vision Board

Having a clear vision of what you want in life is the fastest way to get there. Without knowing what you want, how can you possibly have it? I’ve taught my children from a very young age to believe that anything is possible. Rather than protecting them from potential disappointment by keeping their expectations realistic,…

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Jackie Johnstone on Human Design for Entrepreneurs

Human Design with Jackie Johnstone and Kelly Pietrangeli

I loved jumping on a video call with Intuitive Business Coach Jackie Johnstone about how she went from having no business (or even a business idea!) to launching a successful online company. She shared what happened in her life and business after she became a mother, and how she’s transitioned from being a no-nonsense, straight…

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The 4 Stages of Competence When Learning Something New

Do you ever get that ‘three steps forward and two steps back’ feeling that you’re not getting somewhere as quickly as you’d like? Maybe you’re learning something new or you’ve set yourself a goal, only to find you’re not making much progress. Please don’t throw in the towel!  There’s evidence to suggest that adult learning…

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