Jackie Johnstone on Human Design for Entrepreneurs
I loved jumping on a video call with Intuitive Business Coach Jackie Johnstone about how she went from having no business (or even a business idea!) to launching a successful online company. She shared what happened in her life and business after she became a mother, and how she’s transitioned from being a no-nonsense, straight talking social media marketing consultant into the wonderful world of Human Design.
Jackie explains what Human Design is and how an understanding of our chart gives great insight into our best business strategies. During our call she looked at my Human Design chart to reveal my strategies so you can see what it’s like to have a Human Design for entrepreneurs consultation with Jackie.
Jackie Johnstone is an Intuitive Business Coach. Transform your business by tapping into your own unique decision-making strategy through Human Design. Learn more here. And you can follow on Instagram @jackiejohnstone
In the comments below, tell us if you’re brand new to Human Design, or if you already know your type and are working to your unique strategy. Are you an entrepreneur or do you have dreams of starting your own business? We’d love to hear from you!
Positively yours,
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I watched your last Human Design video and was inspired to get my free chart done. I am a Projector and need to learn more about what that means and my strategies. I look forward to watching this one on my lunch break later. 🙂