Marie Forleo on How to Intuitively Figure Things Out
You know that question, ‘Who would you most like to sit next to at a dinner party, living or dead?’ For the past several years my dream dinner companion has been Marie Forleo. Why? Because I’d want to sit next to someone who’s fully ALIVE, whom I admire and respect and who doesn’t intimidate the living crap out of me so I could actually keep my food down! I’d want someone funny, warm and inspirational. A mentor I could ask questions about in my life and business. And for it to be a two-sided conversation with someone who is as equally interested in me.
I did Marie Forleo’s online B-School in 2013 and it completely changed my life! (You can read that story here.)
Last night I finally got to meet and talk to Marie Forleo at private venue White City House in London ahead of her much larger book launch event. (Which I’m also attending!) Here she was in conversation with the talented presenter Emma Gannon of the careers podcast, Ctrl Alt Delete.

Marie was every bit as warm, funny and inspirational as I’d hoped and I really did get to speak to her on a topic that’s been on my mind and in my heart lately.
In her new book, ‘Everything Is Figureoutable‘, Marie shares her framework for being self-accountable for achieving absolutely anything in your life – no excuses. Yet even whilst promoting unstoppable courage and the relentless pursuit of dreams, Marie delivers the message in a fresh, feminine way that feels truly attainable.
I’ll admit that when I first picked up the book I hoped it wouldn’t be yet another battle cry for pushing and hustling to get everything we want in life. The ‘old me’ achieved a hell of a lot this way and there’s a lot to be said for dropping lame excuses, rolling up your sleeves and just getting stuck into whatever you want to achieve. When something tries to block you from success, plow on through and move it outta your way, right?
But the ‘new me’ has a more gentle approach. All of that pushing and striving for what I want feels like the hard way and I’m now all about getting into alignment before action. I allow the sweet universe to clear a path for me. Why machete my way through the tangled jungle when I can be guided along an easier alternative route?
Whilst I’ve always been into things like pros and cons lists, figuring things out on paper and challenge-solving with others, I’ve come to realise that life is not simply a series of problems to overcome. The less I try to work things out with my head, the more I can tune into my heart for guidance that comes from a different source.
So I asked Marie about this. How much figuring out does she do with her logical, analytical brain and how much does she tap into her inner wisdom and act on that?
She totally got the question and went on to beautifully describe how she tunes into her own intuition.
Here’s where you can watch me ask Marie my question and hear her full response, plus extra footage of Marie giving us practical exercises to draw on our intuition in the decision making process. *Press play below:
*I’ve got to add that I did not know how to get these video clips from the event off of my phone, onto my computer, edited into one short video, loaded into You Tube and embedded into this post. Normally my amazing and tech savvy assistant would jump in to help me, but she’s literally about to give birth so I couldn’t exactly ring her! But with Marie’s ‘Everything Is Figureoutable‘ mantra ringing in my ears, I took one small step at a time and with the help of Google and various YouTube tutorials I FIGURED IT OUT! Woo hoo!!!
I’ve previously shared my story of how putting a picture of Marie Forleo on my Vision Board back in 2012 completely changed my life. You can read that here.
As Marie always says, ‘Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams. The world needs that special gift that only you have.’
In the comments below, share what you think about making decisions from the head vs intuitively? Have you read Marie Forleo’s book or done her B-School? I’d love to hear from you.

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Oh you lucky lady to meet her and get to attend such an intimate gig. I bet you’re on such a high, although you have tonight to go to as well. Enjoy it all! x
Thanks Diane! I was on such a high when I got home last night I absolutely couldn’t get to sleep! I have one night off tonight as the bigger event is tomorrow. 🙂 xx
Hey Kelly! Baby still hasn’t made her appearance so I could have helped you out – but YAY for putting on your Everything is Figureoutable hat! WOW – how warm and inspiring is Marie! I loved your question – and her answer – your “alignment before action” has become a mantra in my toolbox too! ❤️ x
Awww dear Rachel! Baby is staying inside a while longer where it’s quiet and cozy! Believe me, my first reaction was to CALL RACHEL, but with Marie’s book right here on my desk and her staring right back at me, I took a deep breath and indeed figured it out. Feeling pretty damn proud of myself too. Happy you have a couple of new mantras in your toolbox! Awaiting the exciting news!!! 💖xx
Great question, beautifully answered! I’d love Marie round for dinner too.
Hey fellow B-Schooler! Okay, when I organise that dream dinner I’ll make sure you’re on the guest list. Put THAT on your Vision Board! 🙌 xx
Fabulous video, Kelly ♥️!
The last bit so very much resonates with me, that you have to wait to say YES to something even though everyone says it’s fab and you should do it. YOU have to feel it in your gut and it has to feel RIGHT. Thanks for sharing ♥️
Hey – another fellow B-Schooler! Christina, those words have been sitting with me today too. Too often we say yes to things from our head and not our heart / gut. We need to tune into our inner wisdom more and trust what it’s telling us. ❤️
Love this Kelly!! What an awe-inspiring event – I can imagine the high you must have been on when you came home. Your question and Marie’s answer were brilliant. xx
Yes, still floating on a high – and seeing Marie again TONIGHT!!!! Thanks for watching and your lovely comment Louisa. ❤️