The 4 Stages of Competence When Learning Something New

Do you ever get that ‘three steps forward and two steps back’ feeling that you’re not getting somewhere as quickly as you’d like? Maybe you’re learning something new or you’ve set yourself a goal, only to find you’re not making much progress. Please don’t throw in the towel!  There’s evidence to suggest that adult learning…

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Human Design As A Life Navigation Tool

I’m excited to share my latest and greatest discovery – Human Design, which is a fascinating life navigation tool that found me a few months ago. It’s helped to unlock parts of myself that I’d been hiding away for too long.  My chart shows that I’m uniquely designed to bring about change using the gift of…

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What Parenting Skills Classes Did To My Family

The Parent Practice

My life used to be a hot mess. My two year old ruled the roost and didn’t listen to a word I said. He and my five year old squabbled incessantly. I felt like I was losing my mind. My husband and I disagreed over discipline and ended up having huge arguments in front of the kids. I remember him…

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Parents: Take This Helpful Personality Test

Getting to know yourself is an important part of your Personal Growth. The more you learn about why you think and feel the way you do, the more you understand yourself – and others. You begin to fully appreciate that we all approach the same situations from different points of view and there is no…

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Are Your Kids Over Scheduled?

Ballet, football, gymnastics, swimming, music lessons… Do you feel like you might have over scheduled kids? Are you shuffling them around from various clubs and activities to the point you’re exhausted and not even sure if they’re enjoying it anymore? I recently read an article in the Huffington Post by Dr. Samantha Rodman, a clinical psychologist and mother…

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Keeping A Family Book of Quotes

family book of quotes

Kids say the funniest things. Once your child starts talking, they never cease to come up with questions and comments that crack you up. You might think you’ll remember this stuff, but there’s a good chance you won’t. My boys are teenagers now and I’m kicking myself for not keeping a family book of quotes…

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How To Create A Toolbox of Calm

Back when my kids were very little, life felt hectic and out of control. I was shouting at them way too much and I desperately wanted to be a more peaceful, loving mother. I decided to create a Toolbox of Calm. Something I could quickly access when I felt a full-blown Mama Meltdown coming on. I…

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Why My Son Quit Minecraft For Good

When my 12 year old son told me last week that he’s quitting Minecraft for good I nearly fell off my chair. He realised he was addicted when he found himself bored while playing it, yet unable to stop himself. I asked him if he didn’t want to just ease out of it slowly, but…

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