My final blog post for Project Me

Have you ever outgrown something in your life, but you just keep ‘wearing it’ because you’re too afraid to throw it away?  That was me with this blog, website and online business. I launched into the world in 2013 after doing Marie Forleo’s online B-School to learn how to take my passion for how…

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Bach Flower Remedies for You and Your Family

How would you like a magic box of natural potions that cured all of your emotional ups and downs? Feeling gloomy? A few drops of potion on your tongue brightens you right up. Nervous and apprehensive? Take some as a confidence booster. Pondering a decision and can’t make up your mind? There’s one to help…

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Choose Your Word Of The Year

In January 2021, this post was turned into a podcast. Listen to me share the story of how choosing an annual word of the year since 2013 has profoundly changed my life. (And how to use the Sway Test to tap into your intuition if you’re not sure which word to choose.)  Listen to episode…

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How to Design Your Day the Way YOU Want It To Go

Daily Planner for moms and mums

Do you dive into each day without a game plan? Are you easily sidetracked? Do you procrastinate on the important (but boring) stuff, then kick yourself when the day’s over and you still didn’t manage to get it done? Wouldn’t it be great to arrive calm, prepared and on time to everywhere you needed to be? To feel happy and…

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How to Design Your Weekend

One day I was scrolling social media and came across this:  Hang on. Why should being a mother mean that your weekends feel just like any other day of the week? Yes, the early stages of motherhood can be a sleep-deprived, relentless monotony of doing the same things day in, day out with it all…

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How to Plan a Project Me Date With Yourself

How often do you sit down with a pen and paper, do a little assessment of the different areas of your life and see what needs some planning or figuring out? Maybe you need a strategy for organising your home, getting into a fitness routine, having more fun with your partner or friends, or doing…

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3 Steps To Your Best Summer Yet!

summer school holidays

Long summer breaks can be a bag of mixed emotions. On the one hand there’s sweet freedom from early morning starts, rushing and routines. Eating breakfast in your PJs, lunch and dinner whenever anyone’s hungry. No homework hassles or chauffeuring to after-school clubs and activities. On the flip-side, you’re on full-time mama duty. Your normal daily schedule’s thrown totally…

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Most Popular Blog Posts of 2016

Thank you for reading my blog! I’ve compiled a list with easy links to the top six most popular blog posts written in 2016 in case you missed any of them or want to re-read. The comment threads beneath these posts are worth gold. Thanks to everyone who jumped in with their own words of wisdom…

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