Posts Tagged ‘parenting’
To My Amazing Son As He Leaves for University
If only I’d known when you were a toddler and you let all of the other kids snatch whatever you were playing with right out of your hands, that you wouldn’t grow up to be a pushover. What I know now is that you’re a giver. It makes you happy to share whatever you have…
Read MoreHow to Not Lose Your Marbles During Lockdown
With everything that’s going on in the world right now, it’s understandable if you’re feeling more than a bit discombobulated. Maybe you’re suddenly housebound with kids to entertain and educate. You may also be juggling work commitments, while simultaneously attempting to keep the house from falling into complete disarray. Whatever you can do to keep…
Read MoreHuman Design As A Life Navigation Tool
I’m excited to share my latest and greatest discovery – Human Design, which is a fascinating life navigation tool that found me a few months ago. It’s helped to unlock parts of myself that I’d been hiding away for too long. My chart shows that I’m uniquely designed to bring about change using the gift of…
Read MoreParents: Take This Helpful Personality Test
Getting to know yourself is an important part of your Personal Growth. The more you learn about why you think and feel the way you do, the more you understand yourself – and others. You begin to fully appreciate that we all approach the same situations from different points of view and there is no…
Read MoreKids Boredom Buster
‘I’m bored.’ ‘I don’t know what to do.’ Sound familiar? Inevitable words out of the mouths of our kids during the school break. It’s great to organise trips, days out and social get togethers but don’t feel you have schedule their every move. Children need the time and space to transition from busy school routines to…
Read More3 Steps To Your Best Summer Yet!
Long summer breaks can be a bag of mixed emotions. On the one hand there’s sweet freedom from early morning starts, rushing and routines. Eating breakfast in your PJs, lunch and dinner whenever anyone’s hungry. No homework hassles or chauffeuring to after-school clubs and activities. On the flip-side, you’re on full-time mama duty. Your normal daily schedule’s thrown totally…
Read MoreSummer Planning for Parents and Kids
I used to begin each summer with a fresh sense of optimism. But it wouldn’t take long for the novelty to wear off. I soon grew tired of feeling like the chief entertainer / housekeeper / cook and negotiator. My kids began to tune out my nagging voice, especially my half-hearted attempts to get them off…
Read MoreFright Night Or Fun Fest – How Do Your Kids Cope With Halloween?
Guest post by parenting coach Melissa Hood of The Parent Practice. Do your kids love the trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, dressing up of Halloween? Or is it just a nightmare of of scary ghoulish faces? Some children under the age of six find it difficult to know the difference between reality and fantasy, so for them…
Read MoreHow to Get Your Kids to Help You More
Are you tired of feeling like the family slave? Do you feel like if you don’t do it yourself, it’ll never get done? Wish your kids would pitch in and help, but feel like they’re too young or it’s not worth the battle trying to get them to do it?
Read MoreHow To Get Your Child To Listen To You
Do you feel a broken record – repeating the same instruction to your child over and over? Not sure whether to book them in for a hearing test or yourself into the looney bin? How can you get your child to listen to you the first time you say it? I used to go nuts over my boys’ inability to…
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