2024 Marie Forleo B-School Bonus Bundle

B-School Bonus

NOTE: Marie Forleo is running a very special SUMMER B-School 2024! Enrollment opens July 16 and closes July 26.  The live round of B-School begins July 29th. This is an online programme and whilst there are some opportunities to join Marie’s Office Hours Calls, there are no set times you need to log in or…

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How To Make Time For What Matters

Most busy mamas agree that there are just never enough hours in the day to get it all done. Can you relate?  Last week in my Monday Motivator newsletter I gave out this little written assignment to my lovely subscribers. Please join in! Grab a piece of paper (or create a note on your phone) and write down three things you…

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What To Do If You Don’t Like Christmas

I’ve had way too many unhappy Decembers when my kids were small. It got to the point that I began to dread the holiday season. And then I got myself even more wound up because my friends LOVED Christmas and I felt even worse that I didn’t.  And I would tell everyone I met the…

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Why You Need Mama Me Time

Many mothers suffer from guilt, especially when it comes to doing something for themselves. They’ll organise everything they think their child needs – buying them more things, chauffeuring them from one activity to another – yet they’d never consider spending that kind of time or money on themselves. Eventually this kind of self-sacrifice leads to…

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The New and Improved Project Me Website!

Ta-daaah!!! It’s time to pull back the curtain on the new and improved Project Me website!  When Project Me was launched in September 2013 the site looked fresh and exciting, but over the years I began to see the layout as looking like a mummy/mommy blog. I have absolutely nothing against mummy/mommy bloggers but if…

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3 Steps To Your Best Summer Yet!

summer school holidays

Long summer breaks can be a bag of mixed emotions. On the one hand there’s sweet freedom from early morning starts, rushing and routines. Eating breakfast in your PJs, lunch and dinner whenever anyone’s hungry. No homework hassles or chauffeuring to after-school clubs and activities. On the flip-side, you’re on full-time mama duty. Your normal daily schedule’s thrown totally…

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Are Your Kids Over Scheduled?

Ballet, football, gymnastics, swimming, music lessons… Do you feel like you might have over scheduled kids? Are you shuffling them around from various clubs and activities to the point you’re exhausted and not even sure if they’re enjoying it anymore? I recently read an article in the Huffington Post by Dr. Samantha Rodman, a clinical psychologist and mother…

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The Pros of Making a Pros and Cons List

Do you ever get bogged down with little daily decisions? Deliberating back and forth about two options takes up a lot of valuable head space that you can’t always spare. Forget about pondering over things in your already bogged-down mind. For easy(‘ish) decisions, nothing quite beats a good old Pros and Cons list. Don’t write it…

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Create Your Project ME In 3 Easy Steps

Anyone else go all weak at the knees about stationery? Highlighter pens, Post-It notes, paper clips and notebooks – I’m a kid in a candy store in a shop that sells funky, colourful supplies.  Combine that with my love fill-in-the-blank worksheets and I’m in my own kind of bliss.  The concept of this very website came out of…

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