How to Make A Good-Vibes Vision Board

how to make a vision board

I’m a huge fan of Vision Boarding and love having a visual reference for my deepest intentions and biggest dreams.  Way back in 2012, my kids and I created a giant Family Vision Board. Since then, many of our adventures and personal wishes have come to life. For example, my eldest son is fulfilling his dreams by…

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Project WE Members’ Spotlight: Sarah & Simone

Project WE Member Spotlight

In the first of the new Project WE Member Spotlight series, I spoke to Sarah Williamson in Surrey in the UK and Simone Bowles in Canberra in Australia about the exciting progress they’ve made since joining Project WE membership. As Founding Members of the Project WE membership community, they’ve each experienced beautiful growth within the…

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Become the Project Manager of Your Life in 2018

How are you feeling about the rest of this year ahead? Are you ready for fresh, clean-slate outlook?  How about making 2018 the year you become the Project Manager of your life? Take a deep breath, set your intentions and step out of any old grooves that aren’t serving you. If something hasn’t been working…

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Turning Guilt Into Good

Is mom guilt / mummy guilt taking up too much of your valuable headspace and eating away at your happiness? How often do you have thoughts like: I shouldn’t be working – my kids need more attention. I should be working so we can afford more for the kids / I can be a better…

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Create Your Project ME In 3 Easy Steps

Anyone else go all weak at the knees about stationery? Highlighter pens, Post-It notes, paper clips and notebooks – I’m a kid in a candy store in a shop that sells funky, colourful supplies.  Combine that with my love fill-in-the-blank worksheets and I’m in my own kind of bliss.  The concept of this very website came out of…

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The Key to Finding a Better Balance

It’s easy to let the demands of life tip you in one direction, leaving other parts of your life sitting on the back burner. You don’t realise you’re neglecting your self care – even when you become overwhelmed and short fused. You don’t see that your partner needs attention, until you start drifting apart. Without…

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The Power of Designing Your Year

Are you tired of setting goals that don’t stick? Do you start off with great intentions but soon slide back into old habits or get completely side tracked by the busyness of life? Maybe you think you have goals… ‘I want to lose weight’, ‘I want to get organised’, ‘I want to start a business.’…

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