Free Get To Bed Earlier Challenge

Are you in the habit of staying up too late? Do you get caught up in mindless social media scrolling, binging on Netflix, or working on into the night even when you know you have to be up early? It’s that time of year when the clocks go back an hour and a perfect chance…

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Project Me Live Event in Words and Pictures

The first ever Project Me Live event took place in London on Saturday 6 October 2018 and brought together an incredible group of women to focus on what is arguably the most important area on the Project Me Life Wheel® – Health & Wellbeing.  Women travelled from all parts of the UK and Europe to…

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The Boom Cycle + Project Me Mama Ride!

Stuck in a fitness rut? Looking to inject some FUN into your workouts? Sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone and shake things up! Last year my local gym closed down and rather than jump into another membership,  I decided to check out some of the drop-in options that are springing up…

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Find The Yoga Style That's Right For You

Think yoga’s only for bendy young bunnies in skin tight lycra or for dreadlocked, tie-dyed hippies? Ever done a class in a freezing, dusty church hall and thought, ‘this ain’t for me’? Or found a swanky new yoga studio, but the teacher got on your nerves? Was your class too challenging? Not demanding enough? Did…

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5 Ways to Get Your Fitness Mojo Back

Fallen out of the fitness groove and want to find a way back in? Need some inspiration to get you moving again? Finding a workout that’s fun and fits in with family timetables can be a challenge. The very first step is to figure out what you enjoy doing – you’re not going to stick…

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