Bach Flower Remedies for You and Your Family

How would you like a magic box of natural potions that cured all of your emotional ups and downs? Feeling gloomy? A few drops of potion on your tongue brightens you right up. Nervous and apprehensive? Take some as a confidence booster. Pondering a decision and can’t make up your mind? There’s one to help…

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6 Strategies For Handling Festive Family Friction

Dealing With Difficult Relatives

Are you dealing with a difficult relative over the festive season? Someone who winds you up, drains your energy or is about as unpleasant as a root canal? Maybe it’s a meddling mother-in-law, an opinionated uncle, a sulky sister, or a bratty nephew. Family get-togethers are part and parcel of Christmas, so you need to…

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Kids Boredom Buster

‘I’m bored.’ ‘I don’t know what to do.’   Sound familiar? Inevitable words out of the mouths of our kids during the school break. It’s great to organise trips, days out and social get togethers but don’t feel you have schedule their every move. Children need the time and space to transition from busy school routines to…

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3 Steps To Your Best Summer Yet!

summer school holidays

Long summer breaks can be a bag of mixed emotions. On the one hand there’s sweet freedom from early morning starts, rushing and routines. Eating breakfast in your PJs, lunch and dinner whenever anyone’s hungry. No homework hassles or chauffeuring to after-school clubs and activities. On the flip-side, you’re on full-time mama duty. Your normal daily schedule’s thrown totally…

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Summer Planning for Parents and Kids

I used to begin each summer with a fresh sense of optimism. But it wouldn’t take long for the novelty to wear off. I soon grew tired of feeling like the chief entertainer / housekeeper / cook and negotiator. My kids began to tune out my nagging voice, especially my half-hearted attempts to get them off…

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Keeping A Family Book of Quotes

family book of quotes

Kids say the funniest things. Once your child starts talking, they never cease to come up with questions and comments that crack you up. You might think you’ll remember this stuff, but there’s a good chance you won’t. My boys are teenagers now and I’m kicking myself for not keeping a family book of quotes…

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