Annabel’s High Vibe Journey

online course positivity

Annabel said she wanted other women to know what the High Vibe Journey programme is about, so with her permission, I’ve published her inspiring story here: In all honesty, I didn’t fully understand the concepts Kelly talked about on the sales page for her High Vibe Journey programme. What does ‘raising my vibes’ or ‘strengthening…

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The Celestine Prophecy Revisited

The Celestine Prophecy

In the first of this new series of Personal Growth Books Revisited, I’m featuring a book that I first read in 1994 and didn’t pick up again for 23 years,  The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. NOTE: I have turned this into a podcast episode and it comes with notes about each of the nine insights…

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Project Me Live Event in Words and Pictures

The first ever Project Me Live event took place in London on Saturday 6 October 2018 and brought together an incredible group of women to focus on what is arguably the most important area on the Project Me Life Wheel® – Health & Wellbeing.  Women travelled from all parts of the UK and Europe to…

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