Fun & Friendship
In the wake of everything else that needs doing, it’s easy to forget about having fun. And when the fun dries up, so do you. Maybe you’re feeling stuck in a rut and your fun-o-meter is registering ‘bored’. It could be that you’re having some friendship issues or that you’re simply not seeing enough of your friends. We all have our own definition of what’s fun. And that definition changes at different stages of your life. Rather than comparing the Fun area of your life to what it was BC (Before Children), redefine what fun means to you at the stage you’re at right now.

Not sure where to begin?
Do a little self-assessment with the Project Me Life Wheel®
Enter your first name and email address below:
Then check your email in-box straight away. (I won’t share your details with anyone - promise.) Take a look in your junk/promotions folder if you don’t find your Life Wheel in your normal in-box. It’s such a bummer when that happens!