How to Design Your Weekend

One day I was scrolling social media and came across this:  Hang on. Why should being a mother mean that your weekends feel just like any other day of the week? Yes, the early stages of motherhood can be a sleep-deprived, relentless monotony of doing the same things day in, day out with it all…

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5 Ways to Get Your Fitness Mojo Back

Fallen out of the fitness groove and want to find a way back in? Need some inspiration to get you moving again? Finding a workout that’s fun and fits in with family timetables can be a challenge. The very first step is to figure out what you enjoy doing – you’re not going to stick…

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How To Say No With Confidence

Do you find it hard to say ‘no’? Commit to things just to be nice? Say ‘yes’ without thinking it through – and later regret it? I hear you. I’m a natural ‘yes’ person. I’m up for almost anything and always love to help. This makes me prone to overcommitting and begrudging the very things I said…

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