
A Busy Mother’s 3 Steps To Problem Solving

Does this ever happen to you? You have a problem – maybe it’s just a niggle or perhaps it’s a full blown issue – and you simply don’t know where to begin to solve it?

You stick it in the back of your mind as best as you can, but of course it’s still there – gnawing away at you.

Little niggles have a way of chipping away at your happiness. They keep returning and take up a lot of valuable headspace.

Bigger problems eat your time and energy, snowballing and creating knock-on effects in other areas of your life.

If you’re used to complaining about problems or burying your head in the sand and hoping they’ll go away, it’s time to get proactive!

A few years ago I developed a system for my own problem solving and it really helps me reframe problems as challenges. Now I take action and get to the bottom of things before they start spreading like wildfire into other areas of my life.

Here’s the Project Me 3 step system for figuring it out. 

1. Identify

What’s the problem? What could be better?

2. Ideas

What ideas do you have to make things better? Where can you source good ideas?

3. Action

What actions can you take? When will you take them?

You’ll be amazed at how often it really is that simple. Problems in our head seem huge, but on paper and with possible actions written beside them, they shrink.

Scheduling in solution time is crucial. No matter how busy you are, taking the time to pause and assess is always worth it.

I’ve created this Challenge Solver Action Sheet to help you figure things out on paper. Print several copies at once so you’ll always have one handy.

Sign up for free Monday Motivators below and I’ll send you my best action sheet that I save exclusively for my lovely subscribers. It’s the Project Me Life Wheel® and you can read more about it here – or just pop your name and email into the box below and it’ll land in your in-box in a couple of minutes.

So, how committed you are on a scale of 1 – 10 to stop living with problems and start taking action! Let us know in the comments below.

Got a friend who’d really benefit from this? Share away! 

photo credit: Camdiluv ♥ via photopin cc

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Have you got the FREE & FABULOUS Project Me Life Wheel® yet?  It’ll quickly show you where you’re currently out of balance so you know what needs your focus FIRST.

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  1. Sue on September 14, 2016 at 1:32 PM

    Thank you for all of the worksheets you give us mums to help us in so many ways. I’m printing a few of these now as I know this idea of working out a problem on paper is a great idea. I also want to tell you how helpful the life wheel has been for me and I now do it every month and I can feel the difference. You’re amazing at what you do! With gratitude. x

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on September 19, 2016 at 5:43 PM

      Gratitude to YOU Sue for such a lovely comment. I’m so happy to hear Project Me is helping you to make a positive difference to your life. I’ll love to hear how you get on with the Problem Solver action sheet xx

  2. Wendy on September 14, 2016 at 1:37 PM

    I’ve just this it to figure out a whole scheduling thing for chores for the kids as well as after school activities. I went onto the back side of the page! I now have it all figured out and I can’t thank you enough for promoting me to do this. I feel relieved!

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on September 19, 2016 at 5:46 PM

      There’s nothing more satisfying that figuring out the solution to a challenge on paper – and then implementing it! Well done Wendy.

      I don’t know if you’ve got a copy of my free Chores Chart, but here’s the link in case it helps to put this all together: http://myprojectme.com/chores-chart/


  3. Carolyn on September 14, 2016 at 1:41 PM

    I too LOVE this worksheet and have used it many times including just now when I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed about a situation with a relative. Once I wrote it all down the ideas for what I can do to solve this just came to me! Huge thanks. I’m a big Project Me fan! 🙂

    • Kelly Pietrangeli on September 19, 2016 at 5:48 PM

      I’m thrilled that you’ve used the Challenger Solver many times and that it works for you too. We often have the answers inside of us and just need an outlet to get them out. Thanks so much for taking the time to report in with your success Carolyn and good luck with your tricky situation. You’ve got this! x

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