Personal Growth

Personal Growth is one petal on the Life Wheel, yet all of Project Me centres around your personal development. It’s easier to navigate life when you understand yourself better. You’re a much more peaceful and loving mother when your soul is being fed. You’ll feel less hard done by, take care of yourself more, eat and sleep better, and see life beyond the laundry pile. You’ll have more to give and feel more like that version of yourself that you enjoy being around.


Morning Energy Booster: Thymus Tapping


Lighten Up and Quit Shoulding On Yourself!

Plan a regular date with yourself and your Project Me

How to Plan a Project Me Date With Yourself

summer school holidays

3 Steps To Your Best Summer Yet!

Free printable summer planners for parents and kids

Summer Planning for Parents and Kids


Top 10 Insight Timer Meditations for Mothers


Intuition: Listening to Your Inner GPS


Turning Guilt Into Good

How to Feel Young - Project Me for Busy Mothers

6 Great Ways to Feel Young And Stop Dreading Your Birthday

Personal Growth Boost for Mothers

Give Yourself a Personal Growth Boost

what to do when you lack motivation. Project Me for Busy Mothers

What To Do About A Lack Of Motivation

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique for Mothers

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping for Mothers

website cover - life wheel new

Not sure where to begin?

Do a little self-assessment with the Project Me Life Wheel®

Enter your first name and email address below:

Then check your email in-box straight away. (I won’t share your details with anyone - promise.) Take a look in your junk/promotions folder if you don’t find your Life Wheel in your normal in-box. It’s such a bummer when that happens!