
There’s no one-size-fits-all plan when it comes to how to raise your children. Educate yourself with different points of view and hone in on what feels right for you. The worst thing you can do is nothing. Become the expert of your family. Once you discover what works for your family, you will troubleshoot and defer problems before they turn into major issues. You’ll free yourself up to enjoy motherhood more.

Showing moms how to tame those wild animals and become the master of your own circus!

Become The Master of Your Circus (And Tame Those Wild Animals)

No shouting!

How To Stop Shouting At Your Kids


Not sure where to begin?

Do a little self-assessment with the Project Me Life Wheel®

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Then check your email in-box straight away. (I won’t share your details with anyone - promise.) Take a look in your junk/promotions folder if you don’t find your Life Wheel in your normal in-box. It’s such a bummer when that happens!